Seed Savers Exchange Flower, Bird and Butterfly Mix

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SKU: 0130
Regular price $4.25

Seed Savers Exchange

Flower, Bird and Butterfly Mix

  • Annuals and perennials
  • Early, late, and mid-blooming flowers
  • Beautiful mix of colors
  • Provides nectar to many species of butterflies
  • Some plants will provide food for butterfly larvae
  • Sows 125 square feet per oz

This annual and perennial mixture of flowers will provide nectar to many species of butterflies, including brushfoots, monarchs, skippers, sulphurs and swallowtails. Some of these plants will also provide food for butterfly larvae. Sows 125 square feet per oz.

Varieties include:

Candytuft, Annual - Iberis umbellata
Wallflower, Siberian - Cheiranthus allionii
Larkspur, Rocket - Delphinium consolida
Lupine, Perennial - Lupinus perennis
Gayfeather - Liatris spicata
Coneflower, Purple - Echinaceae purpurea
Blanketflower - Gaillardia aristata
Aster, China, Single Mix - Callistephus chinensis
Cornflower 'Polka Dot Mix' - Centaurea cyanus
Poppy, California Orange - Eschscholzia californica
Indian Blanket - Gaillardia pulchella
Sage, Scarlet - Salvia coccinea
Coreopsis, Lance Leaved - Coreopsis lanceolata
Godetia, Dwarf - Clarkia amoena
Coneflower, Dwarf Red - Ratibida columnifera
Coreopsis, Dwarf Plains - Coreopsis tinctoria
Mint, Lemon - Monarda citriodora
Milkweed, Butterfly - Asclepias tuberosa
Sweet Alyssum, Tall White - Lobularia maritima
Black-Eyed Susan - Rudbeckia hirta

You may sow the feed mix 1 to 2 weeks before your average last frost date. Mix the seed with some sand or sawdust, broadcast the seed, and then go over the area with a rake to work the seed into the soil a little.

This product is best seeded at 6-12 lbs per acre or 5 ounces for 1000 square feet.

Learn To Grow It

You may sow the bee feed mix 1 to 2 weeks before your average last frost date. Mix the seed with some sand or sawdust, broadcast the seed, and then go over the area with a rake to work the seed into the soil a little.

This product is best seeded at 6-12 lbs per acre or 5 ounces for 1000 square feet.

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